Pick of the Day: Rodney’s Comedy Club Grand Opening/Peace in the Upper East ! A Jewish and Muslim Christmas Eve Comedy Show (in NYC) 12/24
Once upon a time, the late comedy legend Rodney Dangerfield had his very own comedy spot, the eponymous Dangerfield’s. Located on the outer edges of Midtown Manhattan. For the longest time, the place has been collecting dust (and, almost as a bit, there was a “Dangerfield’s 2” out here in LA that was technically run out of someone’s apartment).
Well, nearing the sunset of 2023, a new era for Dangerfield’s is coming; the arrival of what will now be called Rodney’s Comedy Club. Same location, but all spiffed up not unlike Rodney himself. In fact, they’ll be having their Grand Opening show on Christmas Eve this Sunday at 8:30PM.
NYC comedy heavyweights Usama Siddiquee, Harrison Greenbaum, Che Durena, and Eman El-Husseini will be kicking things off for what will double as a grand opening and a Peace in the Upper East ! A Jewish and Muslim Christmas Eve Comedy Show. If you’re in NYC, it might be worth altering your Christmas Eve plans; just sayin’.
Tickets for Rodney’s Comedy Club Grand Opening/Peace in the Upper East ! A Jewish and Muslim Christmas Eve Comedy Show are $20 (plus two drink min.). Go get them here!