Pick of the Day: Chloe Radcliffe: CHEAT (in NYC) 4/6-4/7
Seeing the name Chloe Radcliffe on a bill or a line-up should be reason enough to make an outing for an evening of comedy. The whipsmart candor and charm of Radcliffe has made her into an undeniable NYC comedy scene staple. Also, the notion of seeing a solo show about cheating from the perspective of the repeat cheating offender has to, at the very least, make you do a double take.
Combined together will be Chloe doing her solo show wherein she talks through her seemingly insurmountable struggles as a serial monogamist who has cheated in almost every one of her relationships. Knowing Radcliffe, it’ll be thoroughly engrossing as it will be illuminating, funny, and definitely worth the price of admission.
Speaking of which, Chloe is putting up this solo show, aptly named CHEAT this Thurs. Apr. 6th and Fri. Apr. 7th at The Under St. Marks Theater at 7:30PM. Tickets are $18.07 and you can (and should) go buy them here.