Pick of the Day: Christian Science Theater 3000 (in NYC) 8/22
Christian conservatives have this idea that “traditional family values” are being attacked and, subsequently, have been hard at work at making movies that espouse this sort of projected victimhood. Largely, many of these movies are, in a manner of speaking, very bad, religion and politics aside. Overacted and filled with preposterous plots that might make one question how exactly are people interpreting the Bible, they are the sort of movies that are ripe for being sent up during a live screening.
That’s what Christian Science Theater 3000 (NOTE: not affiliated with any Christian Science Reading Room whatsoever) aims to do as the projected fear of God fearing boomers really keep making America take steps back to a simpler, yet clearly worst time. Many of NYC comedy’s best will be live-roasting Christian movies that you’ve probably seen or heard of on Reddit or caught passing glimpses of their movie posters, such as God’s Not Dead starring the former Hercules, Kevin Sorbo.
Join guests Sam Morrison and Sally Ann Hall and David Picolomini on Tues. Aug. 22nd at 8PM at Brooklyn’s Starr Bar to really ponder Sorbo’s pivot to “faith-based” movies and how sneaky Christian movies are now (indie box office hit Sound of Freedom counts, right?). Tickets are only $12.71. Go get ’em here.