Pick of the Day: Pizzazz with Gary Gulman (in NYC) 4/18
Gary Gulman has been and remains as one of the finest artisans/practitioners/craftsmen of stand-up comedy, especially when it comes to how exquisite and complex a single joke can be (and, of course, how wildly funny it can be the whole time). Watch The Great Depresh if you need a reminder about how great Gary is. This has been true at his home in NYC and pretty much anywhere else he plays for several years at this point, making a live appearance by Gulman a special, do-not-miss event.
Thankfully, Gary is starting a monthly show where New Yorkers will get that chance a lot more often. Baby’s All Right in Brooklyn will be the home for Pizzazz that will showcase Gulman along with a collection of NYC’s finest. Their inaugural line-up certainly hits that mark with Emmy Blotnick, Nore Davis, and Martin Urbano.
This very first editino of Pizzazz with Gary Gulman is set for Mon. Apr. 18th at 7PM ET. Tickets are $14.02 (includes fees) and you can and should get them here (and not miss any one of these).