The Comedy Bureau Field Report Ep. 211: Jessica Svendsgaard & Starting an Improv Festival Called MILF
Of all the disciplines in comedy, improv might have had the longest road back from lockdown. Connected to that, improv festivals that used to be an annual celebration to be relied on are now having to be revived from the ashes. Thus, one of the oldest indie improv nights in LA, Mach Improv, is taking up the mantle from what used to be known and beloved as The LA Indie Improv Festival and throwing their very own 12 hour improv festival, the wonderfully abbreviated MILF (Mach Improv LA Festival), later this month at what essentially is LA indie improv HQ, The Clubhouse. Mach’s very own Jessica Svendsgaard tells us all about the festival, the state of improv in spring 2024, and why all of this is important/worth doing in times like these.
Follow Jessica @thebyebyemancuckedme on IG and get all info for MILF on Sat. Apr. 27th at The Clubhouse from Noon to Midnight at milfcomedy.com.
Produced by Jake Kroeger
Music by Brian Granillo
Artwork by Andrew Delman and Jake Kroeger