Pick of the Day: 15th Annual 50 First Jokes *RESCHEDULED* (in NYC) 2/18
Well, we had already highlighted NYC’s 50 First Jokes for 2022 as a #pickoftheday already, but that was when it was set for this month right as the year had started. Well, The Bell House had scheduled it before it knew how Omicron would overtake the world and spark a whole new series of outbreaks that would force the good majority of live comedy to go dark for most of December 2021 and January 2022.
Unlike some other shows that were slated for Jan. 2022 and opted to cancel altogether, 50 First Jokes is still happening, but will be doing so for the first time in its storied history in February, specifically on Fri. Feb. 18th at 8PM ET at The Bell House. That will very likely mean that everyone’s “first” joke(s) of 2022 will be much sharper than if they had only gotten a week to work on it (even though it’s a perennial good time).
Thankfully, the host is still John F. O’Donnell and the line-up is still stacked with NYC Comedy’s best and brightest including: Alison Leiby, Anthony Devito, Chanel Ali, Charlie Bardey, Devon Walker, Dina Hashem, Emmy Blotnick, George Civeris, Kate Willett, Kenice Mobley, Martin Urbano, Max Wittert, Petey DeAbreu, Rojo Perez, Sam Taggart, Shalewa Sharpe, Sonia Denis, and Tom Thakkar. More TBA!
Tickets are still available at $15 and hopefully, Omicron will have subsided enough so that we won’t have to write about this being rescheduled again. Oh yeah, it should go without saying at this point in the pandemic that proof of vaccination is required for entry.
Go snag tickets here.