Morning Debriefing 6/24/11
2) EW made a list of top comedy podcasts following the footsteps of Rolling Stone. This will be probably the first time I’ve said this in ten years, but Rolling Stone made the better, more informed list.
3) The Ogre Mage EP will be out soon: “@zachlunch Listening to the new @OgreMage EP over and over. Soon, my children. Soon. #OgreMage”

4) Top 5 Reggie Watts Performances [via Serial Optimist]
5) A Drink with Dave and hilarious comedienne Amy Dresner.
6) Sean Patton just got the Tip of the Hat from us.
7) Ne’er a debate about who knows more about Catholicism will be more entertaining than this one between Stephen Colbert and Jack White.
The Colbert Report
Tags: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
The Business @ Hollywood Improv Lab 8PM $5
Re-Animator @ Steve Allen Theater 8PM $30
Maria Bamford @ Flappers Burbank 8PM $17/2 item min.
Rick Shapiro @ Vlad the Retailer 9PM $5
Comedy Car Hole @ Comedy Car Hole 9PM FREE
Second City Late Night @ Second City Hollywood 10PM $5
Maria Bamford @ Flappers Burbank 10PM $17/2 item min.
Stood Up Friday Night: Good Vs. Evil @ Moving Arts Theater 10PM $5
Re-Animator-Cast Benefit Show @ Steve Allen Theater MIDNIGHT $15
SET LIST @ FLAPPERS BAR 102 E. Magnolia, Burbank, CA/Sign-up 5PM/Starts 5:30PM/given “set list” of topics to do jokes off of/first come, first served/no purchase necessary
UCB 5919 Franklin Ave., Hollywood, CA/Sign-up 6PM/Starts 6:30PM/lottery/5 min. spots/10 spots available
iCANDY 1708 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA/Sign-up 6PM/Starts 7PM/first come, first served/$3 min./mixed mic/booked show in middle around 8PM
SILVERLAKE LOUNGE 2906 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA (Silverlake)/Sign-up (lottery) 6:30PM/Starts 7PM/4 min./no purchase necessary
MAX BLOOM’S 200 N. Malden Ave., Fullerton, CA/Starts 7PM/booked show after/no purchase necessary
HOLLYWOOD HOTEL 1160 N. Vermont Ave., Hollywood, CA/Starts Midnight/First come, first served
GLENDALE DAYS INN 450 N. Pioneer Dr., Glendale, CA/Sign-up 7PM/Starts 8PM/No foul language/No purchase necessary/first come, first served
10) So did anyone else not see the first episode of Louie because they needed human interaction at least one time in the day then realized everyone was at home watching Louie, anyone?
Report 00194
THE COMEDY BUREAU/@thecomedybureau