Pick of the Day: The Dollop 10 Year Anniversary (in LA) 4/27
Though perhaps he did not know that having Gareth Reynolds riff, often startled, at the true absurdity of a deep cut history lesson (and how often alarmingly relevant it is today), but Dave Anthony had some kind of hunch that his excavating a particular flavor of American history (and the history of wherever this podcast his toured) with comedic act outs and banter would be something to chase wherever it led.
10 years later, The Dollop, reigns as one of the best pieces of edutainment around, not just in the podcast realm. Hundreds upon hundreds of episode of Dave and Gary and, from time to time, some amazing guests (Rory Scovel, Wil Anderson automatically come to mind) give the best slice of history that makes us all really rue the history education we received at any level of schooling.
With that in mind, Dave and “Gary” are celebrating the momentous 10 year anniversary of The Dollop in LA at The Palace Theatre in DTLA on Sat. Apr. 27th at 7PM with very, very special guests James Adomian and Karen Kilgariff. We bet even if this is the first time of hearing about the Dollop, you’d have grand ole time. Tickets start at $60 and you best go get them here.