Tip of the Hat 2/19: Lauri Roggenkamp
The Comedy Bureau “Tips Its Hat” this week to LAURI ROGGENKAMP:
“@lauriroggenkamp I think I was given a sign last night that I eat too much because the drive thru lady cut me off while I was still ordering.”
The last few “Tips of the Hat” have been to performers that tour the world doing stand up or are sort of local legends in their own right. Lauri Roggenkamp may not get perform in Hungary or get to be on Chelsea Lately once a month, but she is fuckin’ hilarious on a consistent basis, which is one of the main qualifiers to be featured here.
Lauri Roggenkamp is a multi-faceted performer as she frequently switches caps between stand-up, sketch, and improv throughout Los Angeles very well having performed often at iO West and UCB Theatre. Still, the most enjoyable thing about Lauri, especially when it comes to her stand up performances, is the delightful, but unflinching brand of honesty she has honed.
Unabashed and unfiltered in her material about her weight/appearance and people’s constant curiosity as to what her sexual preferences are, Lauri delivers it in such an endearing way that you forget how dark it is while laughing hysterically. Her likability is so great that even at a roast, she was fact-checked by the person she was roasting, proved wrong, and actually acknowledged that she didn’t fact-check any of her jokes, then still got uproarious laughter the whole way through.
Currently, Lauri is part of the iO West sketch group Hot Toddy that performs weekly and does stand up everywhere from the Hollywood Improv to a Southern Style seafood restaurant in Orange County, but is undeniably funny in all of those circumstances. Follow her on Twitter, follow her on Tumblr, and check back here at the Comedy Bureau for details on her next performance.