“My Phone” by Kirk Zipfel
See if you can not look at your phone throughout the duration of the song.
See if you can not look at your phone throughout the duration of the song.
1) The Super Serious Show @ Smashbox Studios was one of the best produced shows, thanks to show producers Joel Mandelkorn and Mandee Johnson, that I’ve been to in recent memory. Inside an extremely hip studio space (there’s a bar in the lobby), the set-up for the show was gorgeous. I almost didn’t believe I was at a comedy event with the all the camera equipment, the DJ spinning, food truck, GOOD FREE BEER (not that Tecate BS at most shows), gourmet cookies and cupcakes, and Christmas lights strung beautifully overhead. Already a cool, laid-back party, the Super Serious Show takes everyone’s good time and makes it great once the show actually commences. Every performer got to showcase their brand of humor perfectly as they were lit just right and everyone was seated intimately in addition to the entire line-up being truly some of L.A.’s best in comedy. Last night’s crowd at Smashbox Studios were treated (and then some) to the amazing talents of Sean Conroy, sketch group Birds of Prey (Lizzy Cooperman, Susan Burke, and Emily Maya Mills), Christina Pazsitsky, Marc Maron, and the music/comedic truths of Kirk Zipfel. Admission for the Super Serious Show is $15 at the door, but I say, with all sincerity, it’s entirely worth it. The Super Serious Show is on every third Thursday of the month at Smashbox Studios 8549 Higuera St., Culver City, CA. Pre-sale $10/$15 at door. Check back at the Comedy Bureau for details on the next one on December 16th.
2) Instead of watching Harry Potter, take a journey on tonight’s COMEDY CRAWL because it’s cheaper and won’t make you wait for the second half for several months. Try out Dead Authors @ UCB Theatre 7PM $5, then WTF with Marc Maron @ UCB Theatre 8PM $10, then Comedy Car Hole @ Comedy Car Hole 9PM FREE, then The Fake Show @ The Fake Gallery 9PM $10, Tammy Jo Dearen’s Laughing Stock @ Club 8572/The Palms @ 9:30PM $10, then Stood Up Friday Night @ Moving Arts Theatre 10PM $5, and end the night/not be possibly disappointed with a cliffhanger at Hot Toddy @ iO West 10:30PM $5
3) OPEN MIC RUN: SILVERLAKE LOUNGE 2906 W. Sunset Blvd. in Silverlake/Sign-up (lottery) 6:30PM/Starts 7PM, iCANDY 1708 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA/Sign-up 6PM/Starts 7PM/$3 min., GLENDALE DAYS INN 450 N. Pioneer Dr., Glendale, CA/8PM, SUNSET GRILL 7439 W. Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood/6PM, TRINITY OPEN MIC 1019 California Ave., Santa Monica, CA 8PM, MARTY’S/THE OPEN MIC 7351 W. Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood (walk up Martel past Big Mama’s and Papa’s)/5PM to 11PM/$5 cover/multiple sets allowed.
4) On Thanksgiving week, there is plenty to give thanks for. Here’s one thing: The Ultimate Free and Cheap LA Comedy List. Thanks also to Wisepix.
5) Zach Sherwin AKA MC Mr. Napkins AKA all-around hilarious comedian is dropping his self-titled album 11/30/10 off of Comedy Central Records. Even if you don’t like rap songs about analyzing rap lyrics, geography, and bees, you should still be on the lookout for it because he’s that good. OR, you can just pre-order it on iTunes here.
6) The Comedy Bureau extends a congratulations to Shayne Michael as winner and Erik D. Schulte as the audience favorite for the first Joe Braza Comedy Invitational.
6) The Comedy Bureau “Tips Its Hat” today to Paul Jay. “@pauljaycomic Love is: not throwing a nerd fit when your girlfriend watches "Casino” in the wrong aspect ratio.“ Follow him on twitter here or check out his awesome podcast, The Biggest Mistake here.
7) "Misadventures” isn’t exactly how I would describe the nightly explorations of the Comedy Bureau. I think “ceaseless insomnia-induced sojourn” is more appropriate. Don’t get me wrong, I have fun. It just never stops. NEVER. Follow the Comedy Bureau’s LIVE TWEETING of “whatever it is” here.
8) I would like an auctioneer to say, “Do I hear….?” in regards to donating to the Comedy Bureau, but I think they would have to start off with, “Do I hear…. anything?” Change that and donate here.
9) What happened to old school hecklers that actually made some sort of sense when they were interrupting? In this last week, I’ve seen mostly crazy people wearing a bunch of hats simultaneously that just say, “My name is Taxi-cab guy. I like house music.”
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