Pick of the Day: The Yard Theater Fundraiser 9/25
Michael Rayner
Chris Walsh
With the return to popularity that drive-in theaters have gotten during these months of lockdown, it’s no surprise to see that other forms of entertainment are opting to try to do something at a drive-in that isn’t just screening a movie because people can stay in their cars to stay safe as the COVID-19 pandemic persists (as well as being one of the very few permitted public events right now). That indeed includes live comedy. LA hasn’t gotten the experience of a live drive-in stand-up comedy show yet, though that will be changing next week.
Comedy Dynamics is hosting four exclusive nights of live stand-up comedy, July 9th-12th at 9PM, at the Tribeca Drive-In pop-up at The Rose Bowl in Pasadena. The Tribeca Drive-In itself actually starts screening movies tonight.
Headlining will be a handful of comedians that you ought to get to know since they’ll, as far as we’ve seen, probably rise further up the comedy ladder than they already have very soon. That includes Dave Helem, Ester Steinberg, Daniel Webb, and Erica Rhodes performing 7/9-7/12 respectively.
Tickets are $26 per vehicle and you can go get tickets here. If you do go, do take proper caution and limit physical contact, wear a mask, and maintain distance at all times. Also, please note that Comedy Dynamics will be taping these performances for “later viewing” if you’d rather stay safe at home and still watch.
There will be hanging in the Arts District in DTLA, celebrating a year of an indie comedy show with a nice line-up, and supporting the great LA charity organization of the Downtown Women’s Center. What’s not to get on board for?
Tickets for the Human Resources Anniversary Charity Show are $20 and you can (and should) get them here.
The rest of our listings for comedy shows, events, open mics, maps, and more can be found at www.thecomedybureau.com.
Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at door.
The rest of our listings for comedy events and open mics are embedded at www.thecomedybureau.com.