Pick of the Day: Julian Velard Is In the Middle of Something (in LA) 12/10
Julian Velard is many a thing including a masterful pianist with golden pipes with wit and panache to match. He’s also middle aged and in, well, the middle of figuring things out.
Part of figuring it out is doing an entire beautiful and hilarious and vulnerable and raw solo musical show about the whole ordeal of being in the middle of your life/getting your ducks in a row/figuring out how the hell the future is going to work out. We’ve seen the show and Julian hits a wonderful comedic and emotional nerve with his premise where something like This Is 40 or a deluge of sitcoms about being middle aged missed the mark.
So, don’t miss the next time Julian Is In the Middle of Something, which just happens to be pretty close to the middle of this month, Sun. Dec. 10th at 9:30PM at the Lyric Hyperion in fact. Tickets are $15 and you really ought to go get them here.