Morning Debriefing 6/19/11
1) Jon Stewart literally on Fox News.
2) The Pod F. Tompkast Comedy Lightbox-This is what SkyMall should be pushing.

3) In honor’s of Father’s Day and Jackie Kashian’s Dad…
4) Concert film seeks Christian comic (or even a comic who happens to be Christian).
5) Jesse Miller Day Dream-It’s weird that I have to qualify this video like this, but, really, it’s worth the 47 seconds.
6) What Dan Harmon and Co. think of the universe of Will Smith
7) The Americans for Fairness in Awarding Journalism Prizes believes the Onion deserves a Pulitzer. SUPPORT THEIR CAUSE!!! [via Huffington Post]
8) Father’s Day Cards that should be on Hallmark Shelves
“Think of how great you’d feel if you weren’t paying child support. Happy Father’s Day.” –Jeremy Paul
“Happy Father’s Day, thanks for leaving when I was four years old.”
–Johnny Gold
“When I was a kid, I had one of those nets you throw a baseball against and it bounces it back to you. Happy Father’s Day to that net.”
–Morgan Murphy
The Long Shot Podcast @ UCB Theatre 6PM $5
Rob Christensen Album Taping @ Fanatic Salon 7:30PM FREE
Re-Animator @ Steve Allen Theater 8PM $30
French Toast @ Taix 8:30PM FREE
Top Story Weekly! w/Andrés Du Bouchet and the Walsh Brothers @ iO West 9PM $5
Powerviolence @ The Complex 9PM FREE
Celebrity @ UCB Theatre 9:30PM $5 (stand by only)
Shitty Jobs @ UCB Theatre 11PM $5 (stand by only)
PALMS 8572 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA/Starts 6PM/lottery
SAL’S COMEDY HOLE 7356 Melrose Ave., Hollywood, CA/Starts 6PM/$4 min./first come, first served
NERDIST THEATRE 7522 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA (back room of Meltdown Comics)/Sign-up 7:15PM/Starts 7:30PM/lottery/30 spots available/no purchase necessary
TSUNAMEDY @ TRIBAL CAFE 1651 W. Temple St., Los Angeles, CA (Echo Park)/Sign-up 8PM/Starts 9PM/first come, first served/mixed mic
MARTY’S/THE OPEN MIC 7351 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA (walk up Martel past Big Mama’s and Papa’s)/5PM to 11PM/$5/multiple sets allowed/bottled water and coffee available
11) If we had a podcast, would anyone listen? (Also, this is a test to see who reads this far down the post)
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