TCB Debriefing: 11/29/23: Conan & Jordan, Kate McKinnon, Bergamot Comedy Festival, Charlie Day
1. Um, there’s a whole podcast that’s just Conan O’Brien and infamous associate producer/living manifestation of the phrase “Well, actually”, Jordan Schlansky called The Conan and Jordan Show. Listen and subscribe since it is everything that you want this enduring love/hate relationship to be.
2. Kate McKinnon returns to SNL. Hopefully, it will be on the space ship that she left on.
3. Santa Monica is having a brand new comedy festival out of the arts colony, Bergamot Station, where The Crow Comedy is so conveniently located with a gigantic parking lot and a metro stop. The inaugural edition of The Bergamot Comedy Festival is now taking submissions here.
4. Charlie Day is starring in a dark comedy called “Kill Me” (deadline). The premise sure sounds like an ep. of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia where Day is trying to figure out whether he tried to kill himself or someone is out to get him.
5. We’ll leave you with this: Tip of the cap to Sabrina Wu and Robby Hoffman crushing their Netflix sets. Go watch them ASAP.