Pick of the Day: Why Are You Single? (in NYC) 2/22
Undoubtedly, there are millions of people who are headed into Valentine’s Day without a significant other and wish that wasn’t the case.
With that in mind, post-Valentine’s Day this year, NYC comedy favorite Marie Faustin is going to tackle this issue head on by running three eligible New York singles through a gauntlet of dating challenges to ascertain why the hell they’re still single. Who knows? Maybe it is the world’s fault? You’ll have to come see Why Are You Single?, created by Faustin and Dave Mizzoni, at Littlefield on Wed. Feb. 22nd at 8PM to find out.
Tickets are $19.29 for such a juicy, spicy comedy show and, also, if you want to be a contestant, you can submit via IG @reeezy.