Pick of the Day: The Improvised Shakespeare Company (in LA) 8/14
The fate of improv, as things are opening back up and vaccinated audiences and performers are finding their ways back to each other, is still quite foggy. Stand-up, with only one performer on stage, was slightly easier to navigate when it come to having safety protocols, but having a whole improv team of people that were often going to be right next to each other (if not outright embracing or jostling one another) takes on a whole other level of consideration for COVID-19 measures when doing live shows.
Fortunately, we’re at a point where, as mentioned before, there is a way forward, which means we’ll be able to see the likes of the astounding feats of The Improvised Shakespeare Company. An entire troupe dedicated to making a Shakespearean play hilariously out of thin air while using the Bard’s own particular language has seen The Improvised Shakespeare Company around the globe (and even have Sir Patrick Stewart sit in with them from time to time) and find a home as the prestigious Largo at the Coronet Theatre.
So, they are gearing to returning to the Largo stage this month, specifically on Sat. Aug. 14th at 7PM PT & 9:30PM PT to dazzle us all again and you shouldn’t miss out. The $46 ticket ($35 plus $11 service fee) might just be worth it. Go get them before they inevitably sell out here.