TCB Debriefing 12/18/23: Ziwe/Santos, Mo Welch, Colin From Accounts, Emma Willmann
1. Breaking: Ziwe proves that Showtime was indeed idiotic for cancelling her show with this old-school Baited style interview with disgraced former Congressman George Santos. Please enjoy what should take up at least a paragraph in upcoming American History textbooks.
2. Sometimes, a hat on a hat works. Mo Welch made an entire comedy special featuring a clever subversion of the “dad joke” trope that is intercut with documentary footage of her reconnecting with her dad, 20 years estranged (oh yeah, it’s called Dad Jokes). Equal parts brash, hilariously dark, heart-string-tugging, and enthralling, Welch amazingly brings all these disparate tones and elements into a beautiful dramedic harmony for a mesmerizing hour special that really lives up to the moniker of a “special”. Watch Dad Jokes now on demand on Veeps.
2. The international Aussie rom com Colin from Accounts gets on with production of its second season (Deadline). Perhaps, in its 3rd season, people will be convinced to pay for Paramount +?
3. Curb Your Enthusiasm will be ending with a 12th season, which means it went 3 seasons further than Seinfeld. Had Seinfeld gone 12 seasons, would it have had a better finale?
4. Emma Willmann tells the truth about not being the best taxpayer (technically, a criminal?) in a damn fun Don’t Tell set. Please enjoy here.
5. We’ll leave you with this: Welp, Fox Nation is putting on a comedy tour.