Pick of the Day: Picture This! 6/23
Yes, live in-person comedy is coming back. That doesn’t mean that worthwhile virtual comedy is going away. In fact, there still is and will be plenty of great shows to be viewed from anywhere so long as you’ve got Internet for a long time to come.
One such upcoming show is the always genuinely fantastic Picture This! that combines splendid animation and stand-up all into one, in real time. It has toured everywhere and featured both many of your favorite comedians and animators from your favorite animated series for years, both pre-pandemic and during lockdown.
This virtual edition of Picture This! is being presented by RushTix on Wed. June 23rd at 7:30PM PT/10:30PM ET. and is set to feature Mike Hollingsworth, Mike L. Mayfield, Bryan Brinkman, Victoria Montes, Rotimi Olowu, comedy from Atsuko Okatsuka, and host Brandie Posey and more! Honestly, as the screen will be shared, you’ll have a better shot of seeing what the animators are up to than you might have if you were sitting in the back in person.
Tickets are only $10 and you can (and should) go get them here.