Pick of the Day: PSYCH! A Diagnostic Stand-Up Therapy Comedy Show (in NYC) 4/27
It’s not a hard requirement to have mental health issues when pursuing a career in comedy, but there certainly to seems to be a strong common thread between many stand-up comedians and their difficulties with anxiety, depression, and the like. It certainly comes through in many of their wonderfully crafted jokes/bits/stories.
Other times, you hear comedic material and you might ponder, from the audience, is the person on stage OK?
With that in mind, Aimee LeCours, both a comedian and LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor) is going to talk to a rousing line-up of NYC comedians about what they talk about on stage and possibly see what exactly lies beneath what might seem, on the surface, just a pretty great joke for the upcoming live show, PSYCH!
Emily Flake, Kate Sisk, and Kenice Mobley will get put under the emotional microscope on Sat. Apr. 27th at 4PM at Caveat in NYC’s LES. Tickets are only $15 and you best go get them here.