TCB Debriefing 12/28/23: Neel Nanda, Tommy Smothers, Comedy Store, Sean Patton

1. R.I.P. Neel Nanda. His tragic passing comes only a few days and change after Kenny DeForest’s death. It’s so much all at once and all out of nowhere. Please take care of yourself and each other and definitely cherish your favorite comedians (and let them know how much they mean to you).

2. Also, R.I.P. Tommy Smothers of the storied Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. If you’ve only heard of The Smothers Brothers brought up in comedy documentaries and books on the history of comedy, you should probably take a watch and listen to their show/records and see why they always get referenced as a milestone in comedy as an art form.

3. The Comedy Store has officially passed its latest round of Paid Regulars. Thrilled to see that Kyle Kinane is getting long overdue due.

4. More so than a lot of New Year’s resolutions that probably won’t go the distance, you should resolve to see way more of Sean Patton in 2024 (and lucky for you, he’s got more dates for his Material Tour)

5. We’ll leave you with this: Despite loads of controversy and allegations, Russell Brand’s production company, Pablo Diablo’s Legitimate Business Firm, reported a $6 million+ profit (Deadline). Also, the name of his company is officially Pablo Diablo’s Legitimate Business Firm.