#Pick of the Day: Mary Houlihan’s Painting Party (Starts 9/22)
Near the beginning of lockdown, one of the more delightful recurring live-streams was a morning show that was meant for kids (though it definitely had plenty for existential-fear ridden adults to enjoy) put on by one Mary Houlihan. Everything during this time has changed so rapidly and Houlihan’s show changed as well moving to night time and being a little less for kids and then having to take time away from all of that together.
Fortunately, Houlihan is returning to some regularly scheduled programming via a brand new show, all of her own design, Mary Houlihan’s Painting Party, streaming live on Tuesdays at Planet Scum at 5PM PT/8PM ET. Not only will there be painting lessons, but Mary will be playing old web games in what is promised to be “Bob Ross meets Pee Wee’s Playhouse” (perhaps, the perfect break from reality, right now?)
Mary Houlihan’s Painting Party starts going weekly on Tuesdays this week, 9/22, at planetscum.live.