Nick Vatterott Exquisitely Sends Up FM Rock Radio with “KROCK 90Q.BUZZ”

Absurdist extradordinaire Nick Vatterott dazzles with his latest work, a studio sketch album that sends up the sheer ridiculousness that comes with DJ’ing a rock radio station.
Though many of us only listen to music through Spotify, YouTube and have replaced the chit chat of radio station DJs with soothing voices of your favorite podcasts hosts, terrestrial FM radio, and specifically rock radio, still very much exists. They also have all the annoying trappings that have had for over twenty years.
Vatterott, along with the spot on production of Jesse Case (not the comedian Jesse Case) takes the promos, stings, songs, and even inner studio drama (that you might hear on a very real KROQ here in LA) and tweaks it oh-so-slightly and beautifully for maximum comedic effect. In many ways, it’s almost like a hilarious acid trip while turning your old school radio dial.
KROCK 90Q.BUZZ is available now and you really ought to get right here right now, right here right now.