Pick of the Day: Jackie Kashian Live-stream from Comedy Works South 5/28
It was our thought and hope that comedy venues would take this time of the pandemic to outfit or configure themselves so they could live-stream their in-person performances and we’re really very glad that is indeed happening.
In fact, you can see one of our all time favorites, Jackie Kashian, who kept her stand-up sharp throughout lockdown we might add, headlining Comedy Works South (that’s in the Greater Denver Area) this weekend. A live-stream of her Fri. May 28th performance with a live audience from the club will go live at 6:15PM PT/7:15PM MST/9:15PM ET (and replay Sat. May 29th at the same time).
Tickets are only $15 and, of course, there is NO 2 drink/item minimum. Go get your tickets for it right here, right now.