1) Jay Leno’s joke about Casey Anthony didn’t go well until he repeated it the 2nd time. The joke, in structure and delivery, was typical Leno monologue, but dark by his standards, especially given how little time has passed since the Anthony acquittal. Perhaps, it would have gone better if Gilbert Gottfried had told it.
2) We concur with Witstream: Stop suckin’ Favstar’s dick.
3) Tired of reading the Papaya King Billboard on Hollywood Blvd.? Think you have something better, more clever, utilizing obscure references? Well, now’s your chance… Submit your idea for a Papaya King billboard and it may be posted in the LA area.

4) Keep this in mind: “@DuBouchet (Andrés Du Bouchet) Alright when the CD/mp3 of ‘Naked Trampoline Hamlet’ DOES come out, the first person to TWEET @dubouchet what fake name I use TWICE wins 100 bucks. I’ll send you a check. And I love my fake names, so listen carefully! I use one twice.” Whether or not you win, you should buy this.
5) Patton Oswalt in the first of many to come 5 Second Films.
6) “Are Comedians Doomed to Apologize Forever?”, a piece by us posted yesterday in Punchline Magazine
Comedy Garage w/line-up @ UCB Theatre Sat. July 16th MIDNIGHT
Names Night @ The Comedy Store Mon. July 25th 8PM FREE/2 drink min.
A Kiss From Daddy/Birthday Boys @ UCB Theatre 8PM $5 (stand by only)
Meltdown @ Nerdist Theater (back room of Meltdown Comics) 8:30PM $8
Return to Babylon @ Dark Horse Saloon 9PM FREE
The Ed Galvez Punk House @ Westside Comedy Theater 9PM $8
Frolic @ Far Bar 9PM FREE
Beer in the Shower @ Dreams Café & Bar 9:30PM FREE
Facebook @ UCB Theatre 9:30PM $5 (stand by only)
SAL’S COMEDY HOLE 7356 Melrose Ave., Hollywood, CA/Starts 6PM/$4 min./first come, first served
THE SPOT CAFE 4455 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA/Sign-up (lottery) 7PM
HOLLYWOOD HOTEL 1160 N. Vermont Ave., Hollywood, CA/Starts 7PM/first come, first served
GRINDHOUSE CAFE 1051 N. Havenhurst, West Hollywood, CA/Starts 7PM
CAFE ON 2ND 7 S. 2nd St., Alhambra, CA/Sign-up 7PM/Starts 7:30PM/$3 cover/10 min. guarantee
TICKLES COMEDY ROOM 10282 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, CA (entrance thru alley to a garage)/Starts 7PM/7-9 min./no purchase necessary
LIBRARY A COFFEE HOUSE 3418 Broadway, Long Beach, CA/Sign-up 8PM/Starts 8:30PM
LIQUID ZOO 7214 Sepulveda Blvd., Van Nuys, CA/Sign-up 8:30PM/Starts 9PM/first come, first served/7 min.
MARTY’S/THE OPEN MIC 7351 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA (walk up Martel, past Big Mama’s and Papa’s)/5PM to 11PM/$5 min./multiple sets allowed/first come, first served/coffee and bottled water available
11) “The Bureau never sleeps” won’t be said again. Sorry anyone who had to hear that in real life.
Report 00206
THE COMEDY BUREAU/@thecomedybureau