The (somewhat) unbridled, beautiful chaos of Late Late Breakfast is back for a special one-night-only event deep in the Valley, all the way in Canoga Park.

For the uninitiated, Late Late Breakfast combines the obstacles of absurdist game show with stand-up comedy by having comedians attempt to tell their jokes while having to play volleyball with the crowd, fitting in their jokes between choruses during a karaoke sing-a-long, etc.

This time around, the comedians daring to take the Late Late Breakfast plunge will be:
Langston Kerman
Christine Medrano
Jordan Doll
Katrina Davis
Rachel Weeks
Rivers Langley
Pallavi Gunalan
Cindy Aravena
Nadav Fleisher
Jessica Singer
Chris Crittenden
& more TBA!
as well as hosts, Tyler Jackson & Danny Maupin

This latest edition of Late Late Breakfast will happen on Fri., Dec. 6th at 8PM. Admission is free, but donations are accepted! Get more details here (FYI, they’ll probably post address on or near day of as it is a backyard show).