If You’re Not Busy Live-Tweeting The Golden Globes, Watch the Premieres of “Togetherness”, “Girls”, and “Episodes”

If you’re in LA right now, the rain couldn’t have come at more perfect time if you were looking more reasons to stay in tonight. Already, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey will be serving their hosting duties at The Golden Globes at 8PM on NBC. Twitter should be full on non-stop live-tweeting from both comedy folk and non-comedy folk that might be worth perusing from the comfort of your own home. 

On top of that, Girls returns for its fourth season at HBO at 9PM and the series premiere of The Duplass Brothers’ Togetherness follows right after at 9:30PM. To cap off the evening, there’s also the season four premiere of Episodes on Showtime at 10:30PM.

So, get comfy make plans/DVR accordingly.