Human Comedy Encyclopedia Kliph Nestoroff’s “The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels, and the History of American Comedy” Out Now

If you’ve ever read or heard anything by author Kliph Nestoroff, you’d probably be dazzled by the amount of comedy history that you weren’t even aware of. Nestoroff has been meticulous in his research and study of comedy’s past and more often than not, he knows all the names, dates, and relevance of those Vaudeville performers, speakeasies, and other elements of comedy’s yesteryears.
All of this is packed into his brand new book The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels and the History of American Comedy, which you should get for yourself and others. We have no doubt that you’ll probably wish that this book was part of some college course you took.