By The Way, The Dress Up Gang (Robb Boardman, Donny Divanian, Cory Loykasek) Are Going to Make My Roommate, My Friend Into a Series on TBS
In the flurry of upfronts, we missed the mention of how the much beloved Dress Up Gang will be adapting their cult hit web series My Roommate, My Friend into a full fledged TV show at TBS. The show focuses on a subtle, yet slight absurd relationship between two roommates that is simultaneously two friends living together and something like a legal guardian taking care of a child.
The TV adaptation of the web series is currently untitled, but it very much follows the premise of the original.
They actually took down all the episodes from various sources online. So, until the show hits the air, you’ll have to had been lucky enough to catch them in years past to really see what we’re talking about.
Hopefully, the premiere will be very soon.