Morning Debriefing 6/11/11
1) LISTEN TO THIS NOW: Paul Scheer reading excerpts from Jim Belushi’s book “Real Men”
Day 4 – How to Fight w/ your Girlfriend by PaulScheer
2) If you still haven’t gotten Jen Kirkman’s latest release Hail To the Freaks, check out some of reviews of at Punchline Magazine and Comedy Nerds United, not mention realize it’s a comedy album that made the Billboard charts. Why don’t you just do yourself a favor and go ahead and pick it up.
4) The Ultimate Free & Cheap LA Comedy List 6/12-6/18. Thanks Wisepix.

Not to discourage anyone from doing open mics, but sometimes you to just power through it, no matter what’s happening. This picture above of hilarious comedienne Barbara Gray was taken during a live show at the Downtown LA Artwalk on Thurs. Here’s a recap from last night from another open mic, iCandy, that takes place in Long Beach every Friday that had the type of heckler that starts another show while the first show is still happening.
5) If you haven’t checked out any clips for the upcoming Comedy Central series “Jon Benjamin Has A Van”, you can now thank the Comedy Bureau later.
Jon Benjamin Has a VanSpring 2011Preview – You Can’t Shoot Herewww.comedycentral.comComedy CentralTV ShowsComedy Videos
6) The Comedy Bureau “Tips Its Hat” this week to Tony Sam! Look for profile/article later today.
Jackie Kashian’s Dork Forest @ Nerdist Theater Thurs. July 7th 8PM $10
Jamie Kilstein @ Steve Allen Theater Mon. July 18th 8PM $10
Space Boners @ Silverlake Lounge 7PM FREE
Conan O’Brien Writers Live @ iO West 7PM $25
North Star Comedy Hour & Meat Raffle @ Michael Woolson Studio 8PM FREE
Hand Schucked @ Moving Arts Theater 8PM FREE
The Anytime Show w/Dominic Dierkes @ Underground Annex Theater 8PM $5
Del Close Lifetime Achievement Award: Jeffrey Tambor @ iO West 8PM $25
Magic Bag @ Underground Annex Theater 8PM $5
Pop & Politics w/Jimmy Dore @ Nerdist Theater 8PM $10
Re-Animator @ Steve Allen Theater 8PM $30
Michael Rayner @ Flappers Claremont 8PM $15/2 item min.
Sappity Tappity: A Drunken Romp Through Liquor Forest @ UCB Theatre 10PM $10
Chris Farley Award: Adam Scott @ iO West 10PM $25
Truth or Dare @ Hollywood Improv Lab 10:30PM $5
LAICF Harold Competition Championship @ iO West 11PM $10
Tomorrow Show w/Lynch, Small, and Anton @ Steve Allen Theater MIDNIGHT $8
SPOT CAFE 4455 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA/Starts 2PM/feedback given at end
MARTY’S/THE OPEN MIC 7351 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA/5PM to 11PM/$5 min./multiple sets allowed/coffee & water provided
WESTSIDE COMEDY THEATER 1323-A 3rd St. Promenade, Santa Monica, CA (in alley between 3rd and 4th St.)/Sign-up (lottery) 6PM/Starts 6:30PM/no purchase necessary/4 min.
11) So I’m going up tonight in a place accessible only by alley in Garden Grove. I’m not worried so much about being mugged as what I’m supposed to relate to people that frequently walk to their homes via alley ways.
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