Pick of the Day: An Hour in 60 Minutes with “Ian” Abramson (in LA) 10/24
Ian Abramson started off COVID-19 lockdown by livestreaming his own solo-run version of SNL from the woods. Even that isn’t that the wildest thing that Ian has hilariously done for comedy. He’s worn a shock collar on Conan that he let be operated by an audience member and done post trial interviews for Gary Busey’s Pet Judge. Yep, that’s all real, which is part of the marvel of Ian’s comedy being absurd, brilliant, and flawlessly executed no matter how unbelievable it all might seem when it’s happening.
So, do not miss him or a facsimile played by Ian called “Ian” doing an hour, which stretches, as advertised, 60 minutes at The Glendale Room this coming Monday, Oct. 24th at 9PM. Of all the unforgettable nights of comedy you could get into, this might rank among the most unforgettable.
Tickets are only $4 right now. Go get them ASAP here.