Pick of the Day: Newcomers at the Bell House (in NYC) 11/17
We often get asked, “Who is next in comedy?” or “Who are the folks that are about to break; the comedians that we need to see before they blow up?”
Well, there always around and they’re always performing, but they are not often on the very same line-up.
That said, every once in awhile, such marvelous institutions like the Bell House in Brooklyn will gather together their favorites seasoned performers that deserve that shine of being on such a coveted stage. That night will be Newcomers Night at The Bell House on Wed. Nov. 17th at 8PM ET and have a plentiful spread of NYC’s best that are getting their official Bell House debut.
That’ll include:
Kendall Payne
Cody Wilkins
David Tveite
Fareeha Khan
Dan Rosen
Alysia Brown
Sami Schwaeber
Gara Lonning
Simone Norman
Pooja Reddy
Kevin Casey White
Walter Kelly
Colette McIntyre
Zilla Vodnas
Courtney Bee
Tickets are only $10 right now ($15 at door) w/proof of vaccination. Go snag your tickets right now here.