Conan O’Brien Gets a Fantasy Coffin and a Movie Poster Designed by an Artist Who Has No Who He Is While in Ghana
In this era of truly stupid American diplomacy, there are a few bright shining lights that remind the everyone that America isn’t all bad.
Sure, it may require one Conan O’Brien making a fantasy coffin in the shape of himself or commissioning a movie poster from an artist who has never seen any of Conan’s late night tenure or even know who he is. If that’s what it takes to spread goodwill around the world from the U.S. of A., so be it.
Oh yeah, Conan Ghana, the latest installment of Conan Without Borders, is yet another great rollicking adventure of O’Brien venturing far outside the studio where Conan works his magic and builds bridges between cultures in a time where burning bridges seems to be the order of the day. How none of this is winning Emmys in the late night categories is beyond us.
Enjoy Conan Ghana in full here.
Conan’s Latest Conan Without Borders Special for Ghana Coming in Less Than a Month

We’re really digging the frequency of which these Conan Without Borders travel specials are coming out. It was only a month or so ago that Conan’s brilliant trip to Greenland premiered and, in just a few weeks, his latest trip to Ghana will air.
On Thurs., Nov. 7th, we’ll just see what hijinks that one of the best ambassadors for America got into on Conan Ghana.
Conan Without Borders: Greenland Premieres Tonight

Conan O’Brien’s excursions as, perhaps, America’s best and, certainly, funniest ambassador have been some of Conan’s best work and make him continue to stand out in an increasingly crowded late night field.
Conan Without Borders: Greenland is no exception and O’Brien even raises the bar with this latest travel special. He does so by satirically showing how very, very, very stupid it is to go around Greenland to tell them that they’re going to be part of America via being purchased by Trump. It might be Conan’s most pointed Conan Without Borders and, thus, he gets some of the best reactions and hysterical moments from Greenland’s very gracious, upstanding people.
So, watch Conan Without Borders: Greenland at 10PM on TBS tonight (or tomorrow on TeamCoco.com)
Conan O’Brien Announces Trip to Greenland
So, the latest installment of Conan Without Borders will be in Greenland as a satirical response to Trump’s idiotic interest in buying Greenland (that’s definitely a distraction for all the other BS he’s pulling).
Conan O’Brien often jokes that he is the “elder statesman of late night”, but, truly, he is one great American and a hell of a goodwill ambassador. In fact, such a reputation makes him a better candidate for POTUS than some of the lesser known candidates currently running, though we’re sure that he’d prefer making fun of someone in the Oval Office rather than sitting at the desk within it.
In any case, Conan’s got another ingenious travel special coming up as you can see in his announcement here.
#ConanWithoutBorders’s Next Stop Is Australia
#ConanWithoutBorders’s Next Stop Is Australia
Thankfully, the new, revamped Conan will allow Conan O’Brien to do more of this globetrotting that makes his, effectively, one of the best goodwill ambassadors that America has.
His first stop in 2019 will be Australia and we can only imagine that Conan will be repeatedly asking if he can do his old style fist-a-cuffs fighting with a kangaroo outfitted with boxing gloves.
They’re currently taping in Australia right now, so you can get a bit of a preview of what they’re up to on Team Coco’s Instagram.
Conan O’Brien and Jordan Schlansky, Once More, Have One of Their Famous Dinners, This Time in Japan
If you can trace back the origins of the ongoing saga between Conan O’Brien and his associate producer (with various duties) Jordan Schlansky, they had a dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant in NYC. Of course, Conan spent the whole dinner ripping into the stone-faced and emotionless Jordan and thus their dysfunctional on-screen relationship was born.
Since then, Conan has invaded Jordan’s office, tracked when he gets to work, toured Italy with him, and more all to the delight of Team Coco fans.
For Conan’s recent trip to Japan, Conan and Jordan return to classic form, though, after all these years, Jordan might show just a bit of emotion. Please watch and enjoy here.
Conan in Japan Premieres Tonight
Conan in Japan Premieres Tonight
Just a friendly neighborhood reminder, especially if you’ve been missing Conan from your TV for awhile, that his special visit to Japan will air tonight on TBS at 10PM.
In it, you’ll also get to find out what the hell happened when he confronted the mayor of Conantown in addition to Conan’s normal hijinks when goes to foreign lands (that is probably some of the better PR that the U.S can get abroad right now).
Conan O’Brien’s Next #ConanWithoutBorders Stop Will Be in Italy with Very Special Guest Associate Producer Jordan Schlansky
Well, here’s a wish that has been granted that we didn’t even know we wanted.
Conan O’Brien is taking the infamous Jordan Schlansky to Italy, which just so happens to be one of Jordan’s favorite places on earth, and they’re seeing how long they can tolerate each other amidst beautiful architecture, fine dining, and everything else Italy has to offer.
If you need a refresher of why this is important milestone in the canon of Conan O’Brien’s late night history, please refresh your memory/enjoy yourself with an entire Team Coco page dedicated to the remote segments involving Jordan Schlansky here: http://teamcoco.com/jordan
Conan Without Borders: Haiti Premieres Tonight

Just a friendly reminder that one of America’s best unofficial goodwill ambassadors, Conan O’Brien, will showcase his trip to Haiti and what we’re sure to be the plenty of hijinks he had the whole way through.
Diplomacy through late night hijinks might just be one of our best bets right now for America.
Here’s a Nice Taste of Conan Haiti Where Haitians Roast Trump and Conan Disrupts a Classroom
Conan Without Borders might do more good for America’s image than a lot of what the White House is currently doing.
You can see for yourself in these previews for Conan’s latest trip to Haiti.
Perhaps, comedy is the best medicine and (possibly) form of diplomacy?
Conan Haiti airs on TBS this Saturday, January 27th at 10PM.
“Still reeling from @realDonaldTrump’s very negative Yelp review of Haiti, which means I’ll love it. Headed to Haiti later this week to explore and make some new friends. Stay tuned for my report. #ConanWithoutBorders”
Conan O’Brien’s Conan Without Borders has developed from what used to be a special out-of-the-studio part of Conan into a full-fledged goodwill initiative. With Trump as POTUS, there’s plenty to do in that regard and it looks like O’Brien will be starting off 2018 by going to a country that Trump referred to as a “sh*thole country” when discussing immigration reform with lawmakers.
So, we can’t wait to see what Team Coco comes up with in hopping around the world this year.
Conan Without Borders: Made in Mexico Premieres Tonight
Really, this is one of the only things that people should be watching on TV tonight.
Conan’s very special episode where he goes to Mexico to do an entire episode made with Mexican labors premieres tonight at 10PM on TBS.
Here’s the cold open for Conan Without Borders: Made in Mexico.