Pick of the Day: The Sarah Vaccine Live + In the Flesh (in LA) 9/23

Sarah Squirm‘s epic, delightfully twisted short, The Sarah Vaccine, is getting it’s very own in-person night, which is perfect for all of us waiting for that booster shot.

Squirm will be “IN THE FLESH” as will a fantastic line-up of comedians and performers from every freaky little corner in LA. That’ll include Jamel Johnson, Natalie Palamides & Courtney Pauroso, music from Maylee Todd, and a Dynasty Handbag original video (and there might be more to come). This sure-to-be-never-forgotten evening will take place at Brain Dead Studios on Fairfax, which rose from the long smoldering ashes of Cinefamily at the Silent Movie Theatre on Thurs. Sept. 23rd at 8PM PT.

Tickets are $14, all said and done, and you really best get them here.