Bo Burnham continues to dazzle us all with his multitudes and multitudes of talent, skill, and precision even as he now takes his creativity behind the scenes these days.
His feature film debut Eighth Grade is further evidence of that claim and a fantastic and hysterical portrait of adolescence in 2018. The advent of social media, mass shootings, and a lost generation of parenting all raise the bar on what it’s like to be alienated as a kid right now. Burnham captures all of that in the most cinematic way possible even if the moments are rather small and nuanced in the grand scheme of life. Elsie Fisher has a star making performance with how true every stutter and hesitation rings when just trying to talk to someone as the film’s main girl, Kayla.
Also, if it helps, you can almost draw this analogy of Lady Bird is to the 90s and 2017 as Eighth Grade is to 2018 and everything that’s going on right now.
Eighth Grade is now playing in theaters in limited release in NY/LA.