(via Deadline)
Looks like Snapchat isn’t going away anytime soon with Comedy Central renewing four exclusively Snapchat based series and adding nine on top of that.
Already, Comedy Central has these series on the booming social media platform Snapchat:
Quickie with Nikki Glaser
Swag-a-Saurus with James Davis
Like It with Liza Treyger
Hot Takes with Brandon Wardell
They’re renewing all of those and then adding:
–Ian Abramson’s brilliant 7 Mins in Purgatory where comedians perform in an isolated room that has a camera feed shown to a live audience that the comedians can’t hear
-The animated Animal-Lolz which has Joe Zimmerman presenting animal facts
-Animated reenactments of Bert Kreischer’s dreams with Bert’s Dreams
–Caleb Synan failing upward in the world of all those reality cooking shows on Deadliest Chef
–Dollar Pizza sketch series parodying Uber, Guber Pool
–Julio Torres trying to gives us warnings from the future in Messages From the Future
–Hudson Brothers animated series The Lounge that follows friends/non-teachers/co-workers/assholes at a middle school.
–Mike Lawrence unleashing his the fury of his opnions on You’re Wrong
–Emily Candini and Dave Horwitz exposing what happens during commercials on a late night talk show
You might want to join Snapchat if you haven’t already.