Cameron Esposito Makes Great Late Night Stand Up Debut in Front of Jay Leno and Craig Ferguson

Amongst the huddles of comedians, there are comparatively very few, especially nowadays, who make it to doing a set on a late night talk show. Even rarer is doing a great set, prompting the host to call them over to the couch and chat.

Much more rare, probably because it has never happened, is that when a comedian is called over to the couch by Craig Ferguson with Jay Leno sitting beside him after they interjected, admittedly like Statler and Waldorf, during a set that was going pretty great, then hear Leno say, “White men are on their way out! Lesbians rule!”

Well, that’s exactly what happened to the wonderful Cameron Esposito last night when making her late night debut on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson and it was pretty damn hilarious and amazing.

Please watch it here now.