Comedy Central Sending Off Jon Stewart with “Your Month of Zen”, a Daily Show Streaming Marathon

As one of the most prominent faces and voices of Comedy Central, it’s only fitting that they send Jon Stewart out with a bang. 

While it’s invigorating to see Stewart rally for his last few weeks as Donald Trump has announced his presidential candidacy in addition to the fun tributes that have popped up here and there, Comedy Central is putting together a month long goodbye, “Your Month of Zen” if you will, for their star Jon Stewart. 

Starting 9AM PST on Fri. Jun. 26th, they’re going to stream all of the 2000+ episodes of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (going all the way back to Jan. 1999) right here. You can also watch the stream on the Comedy Central App.

On Aug. 2nd, fan favorite clips will be put together in an one hour special retrospective called “News Your Own Adventure” hosted by The Daily Show’s current correspondents. We hope this means that there is a whole segment on Stewart yelling about pizza.

This will all lead up to Jon’s final day, Aug. 6th, which will probably won’t involve a sleigh and flying into the night sky like Colbert, but will surely be as memorable.