Flop House Comedy Club
The Flop House (in NYC)
Flop House Comedy Club 362 Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY, United StatesSign-up 5:30PM ET Starts 6PM ET 5 min. $5 or 1 drink min. to perform Presented by Pure Chaos Comedy
The Comedy Lottery @ Flop House Comedy Club (in NYC)
Flop House Comedy Club 362 Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY, United StatesSign-up 7:30PM ET Starts 8PM ET 3 min. Lottery 15 slots $1 to sign up 50% of ticket sales go to jackpot for best set of the night Hosted by Demetrius Fields and Austin Locke
Robot Take Comedy Show (in NYC)
Flop House Comedy Club 362 Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY, United StatesRobots have been coming for our jobs since the 60s. They started with building cars, making food, and now they're mopping our floors and shaving Jeff Bezos' head. Jobs we long thought safe and sacred are now under threat. Well has the question ever been asked, "How good of a joke can they write?" Robot Takeover is the show where the world's most powerful AI model writes jokes for our funniest stand up comedians. You'll get to see a variety of comedians perform their […]
Mishegoss (in NYC)
Flop House Comedy Club 362 Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY, United StatesSkye Grayson and Lily Lester present Mishegoss Comedy: a live stand-up comedy show in New York City, with top comedians. (NO DRINK MINIMUM) Featuring: Molly Kornfield Molly Zalman Clay Parks Christian Weckesser Harshil Shukla Daniela Mora Lily Lester and Skye Grayson. Starts 8PM ET