Patton Oswalt Will Again Host Webby Awards, Which Will Be One of the First Major Awards Ceremonies Done Remotely
(via Deadline)
The annual honors doled out for the Internet, The Webby Awards, will very likely be the first major media awards that will attempt to do a ceremony remotely, calling at WFH: Webbys From Home. They’ve tapped the fantastic Patton Oswalt once again to host, but will have him doing so from the safety of his own home. While there have been plenty of major star-studded benefit live-streams and events while the world has been quarantining, a major awards ceremony has yet to happen like this as far as we know.
Thus, Oswalt and The Webby Awards might be giving a preview of what major awards ceremonies might look like until there’s a COVID-19 vaccine since so many of the many prominent and/or famous folks are that gather when these sorts of things happen in person.
We’ll definitely be curious to see how the normal trappings of such a ceremony will go over a video-conferencing platform including the opening monologue, interstitial sketches, speeches, speeches that go too long, etc. Whatever may come, we have faith that Patton Oswalt will make The Webby Awards work come May 19th when the WFH is slated to take place.