Pick of the Day: We Still Like You (in LA) 12/14
Many a storytelling show highlights captivating moments or passages in people’s lives, but more often than not, those are stories where the storyteller themselves end up being the hero. Sure, that’s all well and good that we’re watching a good person tell the story of how they ended up winning, but isn’t a redemption arc equally, if not more, enthralling?
Cue the long running, nomadic storytelling marvel that is We Still Like You. The funniest comics/storytellers are summoned to tell a story where they were more antagonist that protagonist in a hysterical celebration of human vulnerability with the audience cheering, at the end, “WE STILL LIKE YOU”. Truly, it’s unlike any other storytelling event we’ve been to and we’re glad to see it’s return here in LA this week on Thurs. Dec. 14th at The Mid City Yacht Club with the likes of such comedy gems as Dylan Adler, Rivkah Reyes, Jake Noll, Amy Silverberg, and John Michael Bond along with hosts Danii Gallegos, Allison Rose, and Tyjuan Lewis.
Tickets for this are only $10 and you best go get them here.