Nathan Fielder Will Get a Chance to Outdo Himself Again as The Rehearsal Gets Second Season
Nathan Fielder took the Internet’s attention captive with four seasons of Nathan For You and his satirical, intentionally unwitting(?) attempts to improve real-life small businesses. While Fielder had a hand in How To with John Wilson, we’ve all been waiting a long time to see what Nathan had inevitably been working in secret on.
The Rehearsal on HBO was that very thing that we’ve been constantly refreshing any sort of social media feed to see any news about and it truly hasn’t disappointed. If anything, HBO gave Nathan a near infinite sandbox to play with in the concept of having people prepare for tough life situations via near identical rehearsals complete with fully immersive sets and trained actors. Fielder, of course, doesn’t leave the humor inherent in the premise to fuel the show, but, as always, goes deeper and follows the truth of whatever real people have gotten involved with Nathan’s comedy experiments. There is a great deal of Nathan having to adapt and deal with the direction of the show that’s actually part of the show and one might fervently ponder, even more than in Nathan For You, how much Nathan is in control and how deep his rabbit hole of “all-of-this-being-a-bit” vs. “it-being-real” goes.
The incredulity of it all might be the point rather than trying to figure out how much Nathan is in on everything. How else do you process, slight spoiler here, Nathan trying to “rehearse” as an actor of one of his “acting classes” that’s all set up to be the veritable theater group that he uses for the actual rehearsals for the show itself?
It might be Nathan’s most brilliant work to date and something that really highlights comedy truly as art.
Thank goodness that HBO is giving him a whole second season where Nathan will undoubtedly pull several rugs out from underneath us all yet again.
The Rehearsal is streaming now on HBO Max with the season finale airing tonight on HBO and streaming on HBO Max.
One more chance to get it right.#TheRehearsal has been renewed for Season 2. pic.twitter.com/Y8uECt4EfD
— HBO (@HBO) August 19, 2022