Here Are Your Latest Hints as to What Nathan Fielder Is Up to With ‘The Rehearsal’ (Trailer)

With Nathan Fielder, like any actually good thriller, there’s always more to his bits/pranks/comedic performance art experiments than what is first presented. Talk of The Rehearsal has been swirling for what feels like years now and HBO just unveil the first official trailer of Fielder supposedly prepping people for real life situations via a painstakingly crafted “real world” rehearsal.

You’ll see Nathan deal with people that seem, like the good unsuspecting folks on Nathan For You, unlike any sort of performer or people connected to comedy in any way, shape, or form. Of course, Nathan has a penchant for setting up something where chaos is inevitable and then following with whatever happens and never breaking whatever his own personal “fourth wall” might be. Again, all enticing, but there absolutely has to be more underneath what is already a wild premise (though we’d expect nothing less from the mind behind Dumb Starbucks).

Thus far, this Rehearsal trailer promises the follow-up from Nathan Fielder that we’ve waited years plus the pandemic for and, thankfully, you’ll only have to wait until next Fri. Jul. 15th on HBO Max for it.