We could be a bigger, better, more sustainable Bureau if everyone who used our services pledged on Patreon (even $1).
We want to keep providing the same great resource that we have to both Los Angeles and comedy at large to the thousands of people who use our services. Pitching in on Patreon will not only make that happen, but so much more (app, branches elsewhere in the country, streamlining the current site, etc.)
If you want The Comedy Bureau to do better than having a desk off of Craigslist with electrical tape spelling out our name, please pledge $ to our Patreon.
Yep, we got this tanker desk for a “bit” that we did at Riot LA years ago and just ended up actually using it because that’s what our “budget” allows for. You can help us have a budget without quotation marks through Patreon.
We’d love to make a Comedy Bureau app, a NYC branch of TCB, and more. Make that happen by pledging $ on our Patreon
Really, on top of being able to streamline our operation for Los Angeles to be its best self, we could also go global (i.e. have a Comedy Bureau for the UK, India, etc.) if we got enough money through Patreon.
If you dig what we do, please support us on Patreon.
If you dig what we do, please support us on Patreon.
You can also give some love via Venmo as well @ jakekroeger.
You Can Keep The Comedy Bureau Going Forever and, By Proxy, Keep Live Comedy Going Forever
You Can Keep The Comedy Bureau Going Forever and, By Proxy, Keep Live Comedy Going Forever
Through Patreon, you can pledge money monthly to keep us (and by us, we mean just one guy) a float, but you could potentially make us bigger, better, and more efficient and user-friendly than ever.
If you are considering pledging, could you do so today as we’d get our first batch of funds from our Patreon subscribers starting tomorrow.
Support The Comedy Bureau on Patreon
From The Comedy Bureau founder/CEO/intern/etc. himself:
“The Comedy Bureau is a vital resource to the gigantic LA comedy scene and acts the glue that helps keep comedians, comedy fans, industry members, and the city together. For almost 7 years now, The Comedy Bureau has been serving anybody and everybody that it can in this regard.
Unfortunately, it’s not actually a real government backed bureau (and the current POTUS would probably eliminate it if it were), so we greatly appreciate any and all support you can give all of us*.
It helps keep the lights on and, the more you give, the more that we can do. That includes starting a "NYC Branch” (i.e. up-to-date listings for the NYC comedy scene), Branches for other cities around the U.S., a Comedy Bureau app, original productions/content, one-of-a-kind live shows, taking part in comedy festivals around the globe, and much much more.
*all of us is just one, Jake Kroeger”
If you love, like, use, etc. us here at The Comedy Bureau at all, you can support us monthly at Patreon now. Also, if you want to make supporting us even easier, you can support us through giving us money through Venmo @jakekroeger.
Also, we’ve got enamel pins and stickers made and the only way to currently get them is through Patreon.