TCB Debriefing 7/14/23: Deadpool 3 Stopped, Command Z, Mrs. & Mrs. Smith
1. A minute past midnight is when history was set and SAG-AFTRA went on strike, joining their fellow union, the WGA in arms, for a fight for fair wages, which pretty much shuts down the entire entertainment industry in its tracks. Case in point, Deadpool 3, which was in the middle of filming, has been ceased production (Variety). Get ready for plenty more announcement likes this.
2. Steven Soderbergh, one of cinema’s auteurs most dedicated to always switching things up, is coming out with a time-travel (with a souçon of Being John Malkovich) comedy called Command Z. Michael Cera is a floating virtual head and beloved NYC comedian Chloe Radcliffe makes her feature debut along side Roy Wood Jr. Oh yeah, the time travel, body inhabiting machine is a dryer(?) This ought to be fun. Watch the trailer here.
3. Once a lesser known Hitchcock film, then a seminal movie for both Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and now a TV series for Donald Glover and Maya Erskine, Mr. and Mrs. Smith is coming soon to Amazon Prime. Get a tiny glance of this latest incarnation of the Mrs. & Mrs. here.
4. Note to all comedy photographers from comedians: please stop taking pictures of comics from the side/profile. It’s almost always our worst side.