Here’s Our The Future of Future of LA Comedy Roundtable Discussion
Earlier this week, we assembled a panel of folks behind the scenes of LA comedy to discuss where they’re currently at with the state of the world and what might lie ahead. The panel consisted of Joel Mandelkorn (CleftClips, Hot Tub with Kurt & Kristen), Christian Chavez (owner of Echoes on Pico), Joshua Snyder (Booker of Flappers Comedy Club) who stepped in for Flappers Owner Babrara Holliday, and TCB’s founder Jake Kroeger as moderator to give us all a nice strata of different segments in comedy. Thanks again to Hold The Phone Comedy to hosting this live-stream.
The discussion goes through a myriad of the crucial topics in regards to reopening, safety, sustainability, inclusion, and more and though there isn’t a specific answers to how anything is going to happen in the not so distant future, it’s a conversation that got the wheels turning and offered a glimpse of what the different corners in LA comedy are thinking right now.
You can now stream the whole Future of Future of LA Comedy Roundtable discussion here.