Please Get and Enjoy Megan Gailey’s Debut Album “My Dad Paid for This”

This very first comedy album release from Megan Gailey not only is very good, but also presents an insightful, complex, layered, and, of course, very, very funny perspective on being a woman in these times on this debut album My Dad Paid For This.
Gailey very deftly shows all her facets as a woman who loves football, a woman who is critical of football’s problematic practices, a staunch feminist, a former sorority girl, and so much more all within the hour. It’s quite the delightful, very colorful portrait of Megan and this world she’s trying to deal with. Gailey self-deprecatingly comments on her persona throughout, but she comes off as someone with her own warmth (though she’s totally willing to put folks in their place).
So, get into My Dad Paid For This fresh off the presses from AST Records or at Apple Music or wherever you listen to comedy albums.