Don’t miss out on this.
The rest of our listings for comedy shows/events as well as open mics and maps are embedded at
Don’t miss out on this.
The rest of our listings for comedy shows/events as well as open mics and maps are embedded at
A new, free comedy show in a hip vintage store? Yes, that’s what’s happening here. Doors at 5PM; starts at 5:30PM. More details here.
The rest of our listings for comedy shows/events as well as open mics and maps are embedded at
In the modern age of comedy, jokes in the form of one-liners have become an increasingly rare discipline and fewer and fewer comedians choose to focus in on such a skill.
Stand-ups like Matt Donaher not only keep the act of doing one-liners alive, but the execution is so good, it really shows off how precise the craftsmanship (structure, word economy, delivery, timing, etc.) of a joke can be.
Matt’s latest set on Conan is a great example of all of this.
Hopefully, after watching Matt Donaher’s set from Conan last night, which, was also his first late night TV set, you’ll appreciate the wondrous craftsmanship of Donaher’s jokes as much as we do.
In fact, we’ll never forget this set, especially if we’re thinking about eskimos.