Pick of the Day: Return of Butterboy (in NYC) Starting 9/4
School is back in session and, thankfully, so is the Monday night comedy institution that is Butterboy @ Littlefield. Jo Firestone, Maeve Higgins, and Donwill took a bit of Summer break (because can adults do that too/Edinburgh Fringe usually sees a lot of LA & NYC go to Scotland for a month).
So, now you can find your way to Gowanus to Brooklyn staple, Littlefield at 8PM sharp for one of the most surefire ways to make Monday feel not like a Monday (with NYC and beyond’s best stand-up comedians). Per usual, tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door and Jo, Maeve, and Donwill will greet all of those coming back with them on Mon. Sept. 4th.
Oh yeah, their first line-up is a bunch of irrefutable NYC favorites including Napoleon Emill, Caitlin Cook, Petey DeAbreu, and Cansu Karabiyik.
As always get tix, more info, etc. at butterboycomedy.com.