Morning Debriefing 1/12/11
1) One question for ARE YOU FOR REAL?

2) Many have you who are normal and don’t go out every night probably saw The Daily Show’s John Stewart’s heartfelt words in response to the recent shootings in Arizona. If you didn’t, here it is right here. Just note that Jon Stewart takes time aside from joking or any sort of political agenda and reminds us all that humanity still exists. Still, parts of this are very funny (especially w/John Oliver).
3) The Arrested Development Movie is a ‘Real Priority’. Finally.
4) HBO’s Funny or Die Presents Season 1 is now on DVD or, as they say, in “a box of crap”. Either way you should buy it in stores or download it from iTunes NOW.
5) Is tonight’s COMEDY CRAWL always this good? Why don’t you go and find out? (the answer is yes)
“If This Doesn’t Work, I’m Moving Home” A Variety Hour @ Harlem Place Cafe, 124 W. 4th St. (in alley between Main and Spring St.) 8PM FREE
Maria Bamford’s Eagle Rock Sing-a-long @ Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock 8PM $5 suggested donation
Meltdown @ Meltdown Comics 8:30PM $8
Beer in the Shower @ Whitehorse Cocktail Lounge Inn 9:30PM FREE
Jesse Miller Talk Show @ Next Stage Theatre 11PM $5
LIBRARY A COFFEE HOUSE 3418 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA/Sign-up 8PM/Starts 8:30PM
CAFE ON 2ND 7 S. 2nd St., Alhambra, CA/Sign-up 7PM/Starts 7:30PM
THE SPOT CAFE 4455 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA/Sign-up (lottery) 7PM
MARTY’S/THE OPEN MIC 7351 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA (walk up Martel past Big Mama’s and Papa’s)/5PM to 11PM/$5/multiple sets allowed
8) The Comedy Bureau “Tips Its Hat” today to PATTON OSWALT-“@pattonoswalt 5:43 a.m. Leaving Los Angeles for Fargo. (First sentence of Worst Detective Novel Ever)” Having attained that status of the general population knowing who he is AND finding him hilarious, Patton just released his own book entitled, “Zombie Spaceship Wasteland”, which you should definitely check out already having been acclaimed by such prolific writers as Dave Eggers. Unfortunately, he’s next LA show at Largo is already sold out so check back at the Comedy Bureau for details on his next one. Twitter. Website.
9) From the “You Should Have Been There” Lagoon: Jim Carrey as Conan O’Brien (I know this isn’t that “underground”, but someone told me that Conan was only a good show because of Conan and nothing else.)
10) Is “I’m still here” the #1 self-affirmation for comedians or is that just me?
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