For Those of You That Want a More Doug Stanhope Approach to Health and Wellness, There Now is the unFIT App
The one and only Doug Stanhope has teamed up with indie game developers This Is Pop to make an app for those of us that want to engage in that thing known as “fitness” but aren’t really on board with many of the current and popular methods of doing so.
Cue unFIT, which tracks underachievements. Rather than how many steps you took in a day, it has the option to track lifting your controller, game console or TV, standing in a long line, etc.
Here’s Stanhope himself showing off the unFIT lifstyle.
If you’re done getting angry at your Fitbit, you can download unFit now for $4.99 from Apple’s App Store.
Funny or Die Launches “Funny or Die News Flash” App
Are you the type of person that tends to just read news headlines rather than the whole story and likes one joke to go with it AND wants to be able to post it to your social media feeds with incredible ease?
Well, Funny or Die has got something for you as you’re probably a millennial.
Rather than following AP’s Twitter feed, you can get the Funny or Die News Flash app that gives you all of today’s news in an quick and easy format that also includes their award winning brand of sarcasm.
They show a headline as well as a late night monologue style joke, then link to the whole actual story. It’s a pretty great way to catch up today’s top stories without piecing together what random thing people are tweeting about while you’re waiting in line and avoiding making eye contact with strangers.
Find out more here and download the Funny or Die News Flash App from iTunes here.
Conan Explores What You Would Do With a 10 Second Earthquake Warning App
If you live in Southern California, you probably have the ever present fear of a big earthquake looming in your psyche. While there has been an app that could possibly detect and warn you of an earthquake, it could only supposedly give you a 10-second warning.
What can you do with that 10 seconds?
Don’t answer or think about it. Let Conan O’Brien and company do that for you because their answer is probably way more entertaining yours.
FXx Unveils Simpsons World App/Website That Will Be a Dream for Simpsons Fans
(via HitFix)
Along with running a marathon of The Simpsons canon on FXx, there will be a Simpsons World website/app that will allow anyone to find, watch, research, make playlists, and more of any Simpsons episode ever.
You’ll have to have cable in order to get in on this, but if you don’t already have the boxed DVD sets of The Simpsons, it might be worth it.
One Monologue Joke on Conan Gets a Little Out of Hand
During Conan O’Brien’s monologue on Conan last night, one woman got a little too excited over the premise of one joke, which, apparently was all part of her master plan…
The Call Chelsea Peretti Podcast Now Has an App
The Call Chelsea Peretti Podcast Now Has an App
Not only is there an app for Chelsea Peretti’s Call Chelsea Peretti Podcast, but it’s actually a collection of apps within including a Chelsea Peretti soundboard, as you’d probably expect, as well as a whole Chelstagram app.
We’re confident there will be Chesea-mojis and more soon.